Please take a look at these articles :
Obviously, the story must bear some relationship to P.C. Hodgell's stories, but not inhibit anything PCH might want to write. Anything indirectly related to the stories, e.g. set elsewhere in Perimal Darkling, during the long retreat to Rathilien, or elsewhere in Rathilien, or involving minor (imaginary) Kencyr houses is O.K. Personally, I would love to read stories about Tentir, the Women's House, life in other Houses etc. Where characters from the books are involved, anything already excluded by later books or PCH's own statements is allowable, as are third party views of events described in the books.
A disclaimer is essential and must state that the milieux/characters etc. are the property of P.C. Hodgell and no financial benefit is sought by the writer of the fanfiction.
Example Disclaimer:
The copyrights of the world of Rathilien and its inhabitants are the of P.C. Hodgell. No infringement of these copyrights is intended, and is not authorized by the copyright holder. All original characters are the property of [Enter your name here] and no financial benefit is sought by the writer of this fanfiction.
A warning must be present if anything rated more than a 15 (UK), R or NC-17 (US) rating is included (e.g. slash, excessive violence).
I'm British but I will accept U.S. spellings, however I reserve the right not to archive anything containing excessively poor spelling, grammar or punctuation. All authors are advised to have their stories beta-read to check for spelling/punctuation mistakes.
Many guides to good fanfiction writing can be found on the WWW including e.g.
"The Transitive Demigod - A Basic Guide to Grammar and Punctuation for Internet Fanfiction."
"The Elements of Style"
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